LLNL and Verne demonstrate highly efficient hydrogen densification pathway with less required energy
March 2025
Livermore, California, March 18, 2025 — Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) and Verne have demonstrated a novel pathway for creating high-density hydrogen through a research program funded by Department of Energy’s ARPA-E.
The demonstration validated that it is possible to efficiently reach cryo-compressed hydrogen conditions with liquid hydrogen-like density directly from a source of gaseous hydrogen — substantially reducing the energy input required compared to methods that rely on energy-intensive hydrogen liquefaction.
The energy density of hydrogen on a mass basis is extremely high. However, at ambient conditions gaseous hydrogen requires more volume to store an equivalent amount of energy as competing forms of energy storage.
To reduce the storage volume required, densification of hydrogen is typically accomplished using gas compression or liquefaction. This work demonstrated a pathway that uses both compression and cooling at the same time, each to a lesser degree than when used independently.
So far, the hydrogen supply chain has been hindered by a trade-off between compressed gaseous hydrogen — which is cheap to produce, but low in density — and liquid hydrogen— which is high in density, but expensive to densify (via liquefaction). This trade-off has led to expensive distribution costs that have limited the adoption of hydrogen solutions.
This demonstration validates that cryo-compressed hydrogen can break this trade-off by creating high-density hydrogen without requiring the significant energy inputs required of hydrogen liquefaction.
Enabling end-use applications of hydrogen
Annual U.S. power consumption is projected to grow by 800 terrawatt hours by 2030, with data centers and electric vehicles driving 77 percent of this new demand, according to the Boston Consulting Group. Customers from a variety of sectors are seeking increased electrical power and are not currently being served by the grid.
Hydrogen can be delivered to these sectors and converted to electricity on-site through a fuel cell, engine or turbine. However, the cost of existing hydrogen distribution technologies has limited adoption.
“This demonstration confirms that cryo-compressed hydrogen can break the current trade-off between density and cost,” said Ted McKlveen, co-founder & CEO of Verne. “Providing a low-cost way to reach high densities will bring down the cost of delivering and using hydrogen, opening up a host of applications for hydrogen across some of the most demanding sectors of the economy from construction to ports to warehouses.”
More efficient densification pathway proven
The novel hydrogen densification pathway that LLNL and Verne demonstrated produces cryo-compressed hydrogen without requiring a phase change, leading to 50 percent energy savings relative to small-scale hydrogen liquefaction.
During the most recent demonstration, conversion of hydrogen to 81 K (-314 degrees Fahrenheit) and 350 bar (one bar is equivalent to atmospheric pressure at sea level) and densities greater than 60 grams per liter were achieved using a catalyst-filled heat exchanger.
In addition to energy savings, this densification pathway is more modular than hydrogen liquefaction. While hydrogen liquefaction typically requires construction of large, centralized facilities, cryo-compression can be efficiently built at small scale. This means that the hydrogen distribution network can be further optimized, locating densification and distribution hubs closer to the points of use.
Read the full press release: https://www.llnl.gov/article/52606/llnl-verne-demonstrate-highly-efficient-hydrogen-densification-pathway-less-required-energy